Thursday, April 8, 2010

Flashbulbs go POP!

Fashion has always been an influential entity for me. 

I remember my kindergarten graduation ceremony--I was the only kid in the class who was wearing a three- piece suit with a bow tie, albeit a clip-on. Ha.  That story still gets told at various family functions. 

Mom: Darren refused to wear anything but a suit to school for the longest time.  At his kindergarten graduation, the school priest said he was the best dressed kindergartner he'd ever seen.

Laughter ensues.

I eventually chime in--"I'm a stylish beast."

From my dapper childhood, I made it through the grunge and skater days with the bowl cut and my dad's stolen flannels, which I still wear.  Grunge led to punk and some interesting dyed hair styles.  Now people tell me I look like Jesus (growing my hair out for Locks of Love)...But a stylish Jesus.

The comments---you look like a New Yorker never fail to make me joyful on the inside.

And the fact my lovely girlfriend is a fashion designer doesn't hurt the influence and inspiration fashion has on my life.

One of the most important parts of fashion is the photography---it's artistic, bold, sexy, experimental, fun.  Since I've been more and more inclined to dabble in photography, so I figured I'd try my hand at some fashion portraits and editorial stuff.

My friend Liz makes a great model...her subtle narcissism and explicit fear of getting old and wrinkly has probably caused her to spend more time in front of the mirror than she is willing to admit....But that's great because she can hit poses and facial expressions easily...and she brings good ideas to a shoot, making it a fun and collaborative experience.

Also, there is a fashion journalism club at Kent State that I have been getting involved with.  They work with a company in in Cleveland called and another site called

The Kent State senior fashion designers have their senior collection show coming up, and I was asked to photograph designer Brittney Sampsel's collection. 

=  Brittney.

It was a wicked collection inspired by Alice in Wonderland...Simple colors--Black with contrasting lavender and mauve.  The details of the designs were also whimsical--bows, frilly shoulders and big buttons.

Here are some photos from the shoots.  Enjoy!     Scroll ---------->  D

Brittney's fairytale collection of sexual innocence:

Series of Liz in Downtown Akron:


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